FOX Blog

Timely insights from FOX experts, members and industry authorities.

Building a Family Enterprise

Mar 13, 2014
Successful multi-generational families often have difficulty making the transition from a business-centric family t...

Strategic Advantages to Taking the Long-Term View of the Family Enterprise

Feb 4, 2014
 In spite of growing complexities, families around the world have managed to stay together for generations, and th...

Moving from a Business Enterprise to a Family Enterprise

Jan 23, 2014
 How does a family know when they are evolving from a family business into a family enterprise?

Infographic: Family Office Compensation Trends

Nov 15, 2013
Eighty percent of family office employees received a salary increase in 2013, according to our latest benchmarking study, "Family Office Compensation & Benef...

More Notes from the 2013 FOX Fall Forum: The Principled Family

Nov 15, 2013
While process was at the forefront of this year’s Forum, the most poignant moments of the event dealt with why fam...

Infographic: The Top Technology Challenges in Today's Family Offices

Aug 20, 2013
Systems security and finding a software solution that integrates financial data across multiple functions rank as family offices’ top technology concerns, accord...

Estate Planning After DOMA

Jul 15, 2013
On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States issued two groundbreaking opinions regarding same-sex mar...

Talent, Culture and Hiring the Right Fit

Jul 2, 2013
Businesses consistently cite the ability to attract and retain top talent as among the elements most critical to t...

Infographic: Family Office Oversight and Governance

Jul 1, 2013
A majority (56%) of family offices have a governing board, according to the 2012 FOX Family Office benchmarking Board Report. Fifty-five percent of those with a ...