FOX Blog

Timely insights from FOX experts, members and industry authorities.

The One Factor Every Advisor-Client Relationship Comes Down To

Apr 11, 2016
Across all industries, client expectations are changing. Wealth management for the ultra-wealthy is no exception. ...

10 Tips for Picking a Leading Wealth Advisor

Mar 16, 2016
FOX's comprehensive criteria measure whether a firm is providing an integrated wealth management solution. The LWA screening criteria is based on over 20 years s...

Preparing for the Next Industrial Revolution

Mar 14, 2016
 The Circular Economy, William McDonough explains, is an economic system that provides continuous benefit for gene...

Five Risks Ultra-Wealthy Families Need To Watch Out For

Mar 14, 2016
  In our work with ultra-wealthy families, we have seen that those families face some fairly unique risks that ord...

Privacy in a Connected World: Apple, the FBI and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Mar 1, 2016
 A family office is more often than not founded around the concerns about the family’s privacy and data security. ...

Seven Ways to Improve Your Family Client Experience

Feb 25, 2016
 For our FOX Thought Leaders Council Report “Creating Memorable Client Experiences: Differentiation in the Ultra-W...

How Uncertainty Impacts a Family Office

Feb 2, 2016
 Recently, I was reflecting on how uncertainty impacts our lives.

It’s Time for Family Offices to Change the Way They Think About Technology

Jan 20, 2016
Now, more than ever, the business of managing private wealth is exceedingly complex.

Advisory Boards: An Important Step in Transitioning the Family Business

Jan 7, 2016
 "I'm wondering if it's time for us to add outside experts to our advisory board," Julie Jacks mused aloud to her ...

Evaluating Your PFTC State Situs: A Case Study

Dec 16, 2015
 I was recently speaking with the general counsel for a private family trust company (PFTC), and they told me a co...

Family Meetings and the Holidays

Dec 14, 2015
 Recently, a family I advise came to me looking to plan a family meeting. Inevitably, the question came up: “Well,...

FinTech: Are We About to See "Uber" for Financial Services?

Nov 23, 2015
For several years now, wealth advisors have been concerned about the rise of robo-advisors and the potential impac...

Great Family Leaders

Nov 5, 2015
Stop for a moment and think about the leaders in your world. Consider friends, family members, teachers, colleague...

Using Your Wealth to Make a Better World

Oct 28, 2015
 Jonah Wittkamper wants to start a conversation about wealth—and help rising generation family leaders find their ...

Five Things Every Horse Owner Should Know

Oct 14, 2015
For many, owning a horse is the realization of a lifelong passion. However, it can also increase your risk of fina...

Is the Real Estate Market Overheated?

Oct 9, 2015
Is the real estate market overheated?  In October 2014, PwC published a report based on interviews of dozens of le...

What Family Offices Can Learn From Great Client Experience Brands

Oct 5, 2015
FOX has been working to determine what makes for a great experience for the client of a family office.

The Family Office and the Internet of the Future

Sep 4, 2015
There is a big change just starting to impact the way the Internet, and its related apps, are used: they are movin...

Is it Time to Move Family Office IT to the Cloud?

Aug 6, 2015
In the not too distant past, if you were in IT and had virtualization skills, you probably thought your future as ...