FOX Blog

Timely insights from FOX experts, members and industry authorities.

How is Your Family's Relationship with Your Wealth?

Feb 10, 2017
Discussing the impact of wealth on your family can be a difficult conversation to initiate and daunting to guide.  Everyone wants the relationship with mone...

Infographic: How Family Offices Reward Employees Beyond the Paycheck

Jan 20, 2017
According to the FOX 2016 Family Office Compensation and Benefits Study, nearly 50% of offices surveyed said that finding and keeping competent, experienced tale...

Family Office Holiday Parties: What You Should Know

Dec 5, 2016
Not to be a total Scrooge, but I would be remiss if I didn't raise a cautionary holiday season human capital reminder that your family office holiday party can e...

Tips on Smart Family Leadership

Dec 5, 2016
When the family friend of Dustin Hoffman’s character in the 1960s film The Graduate took the young man aside to offer him career advice, he had just one word of ...

The Next Big Thing in Family Office Technology

Nov 4, 2016
This is the missing piece and, I hope, the next big thing in technology for financial services and the family office: using automation to create value in the bac...

The Evolution of Cybersecurity

Oct 7, 2016
How important is cybersecurity to you?If you’re like many family offices, it’s up there as a top priority: in the latest FOX benchmarking survey on family office...

5 Things You Need to Know Before Executing a Family Leadership Transition

Sep 14, 2016
While I was working as a consultant for FOX, the topic of leadership succession was often on my mind—particularly whenever I was working with a multi-generationa...

Meet Mellody Hobson

Sep 9, 2016
 There are few speakers more compelling than Mellody Hobson.

How are Wealth Advisors Evolving?

Sep 1, 2016
In my previous blog post, “Is the Multi-Family Office Pricing Model Broken?”, I noted that there has been a 15% drop in the pricing of wealth management-related ...

Finding Growth in Emerging Markets

Aug 29, 2016
When considering an allocation to emerging markets, investors are almost universally seeking growth.Emerging economies have, indeed, significantly outperformed d...

When Does a Family Become a Family Enterprise?

Aug 19, 2016
At the inaugural FOX Global Owners Forum, I described the evolution that business-owning families experience—and the increased complexity they encounter—as they ...

Is the Multi-Family Office Pricing Model Broken?

Jul 20, 2016
Pricing at multi-family office firms is under pressure.That is one of the key findings in the 2016 FOX Wealth Advisor Benchmarking Study. Advisors are losing pri...

Staff Retreats: How They Can Benefit Your Family Office

Jul 14, 2016
When I was heading up consulting for FOX, I had the pleasure of spending a morning with the staff of a large family office at their three-day retreat in the wild...

How to Prepare for the New Overtime Rules

Jun 29, 2016
On May 18, 2016, the Department of Labor (DOL) updated the Fair Labor Standards Act and expanded overtime eligibility for millions of American workers by increas...

Guest Post: Why Family Businesses Need an Advocate in Washington

Jun 22, 2016
Family businesses in America generate 50% of the jobs, 64% of GDP and account for 61% of all privately owned businesses. While family businesses are very importa...

Three Reasons to Bring Outsiders Into the Family Enterprise

Jun 2, 2016
The more I learn from working with families, the more I realize that the relationships they have with their advisors are just like dating. One of the most import...

Tax-Deferral Strategies for Commercial Real Estate Owners

May 27, 2016
It was the best of times. It was the…best of times (sorry Dickens). With significantly raised values since the economic downturn of 2008-2009 and rents at record...

5 Steps to Becoming a More Strategic Philanthropist

May 11, 2016
Many of today’s ultra-wealthy philanthropists are looking for smart ways to make their donation dollars work hard for causes they care about deeply.They often va...

Cybersecurity and the Family Office

May 5, 2016
We all hear how cybercrime is a fast-growing crime, one of the fastest growing crimes and that the financial services sector is a target. There is no single solu...

Finding a Job in a Family Office

Apr 26, 2016
I recently participated in a roundtable session at a CFA Society of Chicago career event with 12 moderators each leading a table discussion on careers in various...

Making Impact Investing Your Own

Apr 19, 2016
As impact investing is maturing, we’re seeing an evolution of that very definition.

Help with Domestic Help

Apr 13, 2016
Margaret hired the neighborhood girl down the street to watch her children a couple days a week and run some simple errands for her. She never imagined that when...