FOX Blog

Timely insights from FOX experts, members and industry authorities.

How Accounts Receivable Insurance Can Spur Growth and Manage Risk

Jul 2, 2015
CFOs are increasingly using Accounts Receivable (A/R) Insurance as a strategic tool to support business growth.A/R Insurance, also known as Trade Credit Insuranc...

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Jun 8, 2015

Have You Had Your Annual “Fiscal Physical?”

May 15, 2015
A client of mine once characterized Wealth Integration as a “fiscal physical.”

Cybersecurity Basics in the Family Office

May 7, 2015
For many family offices—especially the smaller ones—the thought of spending tens of thousands of dollars on one ke...

Why Profits are Soaring at Top Multi-Family Offices and Wealth Advisor Firms

Apr 24, 2015
Multi-family offices and wealth advisors are enjoying growing profitability—and revenue.

The Two Features in Family Offices with Top Investment Returns

Apr 17, 2015
There’s a strong correlation between family offices’ investment performance and reliance on a CIO and investment c...

Leaders Are Taught, Not Born

Apr 6, 2015
Leadership is an integral part of a wealth advisor’s everyday responsibilities as someone responsible for providin...

How the Cloud has Transformed Technology in the Family Office

Mar 20, 2015
There has been a paradigm shift in family office technology.

Benchmarking: Family Unity Through Philanthropy

Mar 6, 2015
An impressive 79% of families say they have at least one family foundation. 

Single-Family Offices Can Now Serve Former In-Laws

Feb 17, 2015
The SEC has expanded the definition of “family” in single-family offices.

Single-Family Offices Can Now Serve Former In-Laws

Feb 17, 2015
The SEC has expanded the definition of “family” in single-family offices.

How Family Offices Change Over Time

Jan 26, 2015
Families change, grow and evolve from one generation to the next. So do family offices.

A Benchmark Unlike Any Other

Jan 12, 2015

FOX members have access to the most benchmark in the investment business: the performance of other family offices. That is one of the benefits of participating in the annual FOX Global Investment Survey.