FOX Blog

Timely insights from FOX experts, members and industry authorities.

Family Offices Clear One More Regulatory Hurdle

Dec 8, 2014

Family offices have now cleared three hurdles in the regulatory actions considered as a result of the Dodd-Frank repeal of the SEC’s old system for exempting family offices from regulation. If they fulfill three basic qualifications established by the SEC, they can avoid registering as investment advisors with the SEC and avoid registering as a commodity pool operator (CDO) and a commodity trading advisor (CTA) with the CFTC.

Starting a Single-family Office--Not Just By the Numbers

Dec 5, 2014

When forming a family office, much attention is paid to benefits impacting the family's financial capital and issues of investment management, trust and estate services, tax and financial planning and strategic wealth management. Unfortunately, in many cases, less consideration is paid to the family's human, intellectual and social capital, which are often more important to the long-term success of the family wealth and legacy.

The Growing Pains of Wealth Management: How to Attract Larger Clients without Sacrificing Profitability

Nov 24, 2014
In September, the FOX Wealth Advisor Council convened in New York to discuss the latest FOX research, benchmarking...

How Families May Uncover the True Essence of a Wealth Advisor

Nov 24, 2014
A frustration we often hear from families is that wealth management firms all sound the same. No firm can be all t...

Engaging the Next Generation with the Family Foundation

Nov 17, 2014
 Our Family Office Exchange Senior Management Council met recently to discuss ways to engage the rising generation...

A True Gift for the Holidays

Nov 11, 2014
With toy catalogues in the mailbox and Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’ve been finding myself thinking a l...

The Biggest Challenge Facing Millennials

Oct 8, 2014
As a proud Millennial, there are clear trends I’m seeing amongst my peers and the emerging generation of young peo...

Leaving the Family Nest

Sep 21, 2014

It takes effort for a young adult leaving the family nest to become independent and self-reliant. However, the reward is the knowledge that you are self-sufficient, responsible, mature and self-aware. Here are some pointers to help you along your journey.

The Beloved Prenuptial Agreement

Sep 9, 2014

Couples entering into matrimony often have to make difficult decisions associated with emotionally-charged issues such as a prenuptial (or “prenup”) agreement. If one is going to be implemented, knowing when and how to communicate the request to sign a prenup aids in its effectiveness.

Family Offices Can Now Serve In-laws

Jul 17, 2014
In a very encouraging development, the SEC has indicated that they intend to grant exemptions from the strict definition of “family” in the Family Office Rule to...

Four Reasons the Private Family Trust Company Market is Growing

Jul 7, 2014
A notable trend in recent years has been the increasing popularity of private family trust companies (PFTCs). This...

Infographic: The Private Wealth Management Supporting Cast

Jun 10, 2014
The Private Wealth Management Survey is conducted annually by FOX and The University of Chicago Booth School of Business and samples alumni of Chicago Booth’s Pr...

Successful Outcomes for 100-Year Family Enterprises

May 2, 2014
Sometimes the greatest challenge for a family is to agree on how they will measure the “success” of the enterprise...

Five Common Triggers that Prompt Business-Owning Families to Establish a Family Office

May 2, 2014
As the family grows, both in number and wealth, it is critical to address the management of the family’s personal ...

Do You Have an Embedded Family Office?

May 2, 2014
If any of the following situations are familiar to you, you probably have a family office embedded within your busi...

Six Common Problems with Using Business Employees to Manage Personal Financial Matters

Apr 11, 2014
Assigning a business executive to manage or coordinate personal financial or administrative affairs can be problema...