FOX Blog

Timely insights from FOX experts, members and industry authorities.

Four Tips to Keep Your PFTC in Compliance

Jan 24, 2018
A Private Family Trust Company (“PFTC”) offers families the ability to have intergenerational governance over family assets, and provides a private forum for dec...

Preparing the Next Generation of Beneficiaries

Jan 16, 2018
Preparing the next generation, especially wealthy children or trust beneficiaries, is one of the hottest topics in the high net worth world. Quite frankly, the c...

Avoiding Potential Beneficiary Claims Highlighted in the PFTC Context

Jan 11, 2018
The Private Family Trust Company structure has evolved from a new concept to one that is now established and used widely by family enterprises as a strategy for ...

The Promise of a PFTC

Jan 9, 2018
From a historical perspective, the private family trust company (or PFTC) is a relatively recent structure employed by successful, strategically-oriented familie...

Nine Reasons to Start a Private Family Trust Company

Jan 9, 2018
What is a Private Family Trust Company?A private family trust company (PFTC) is a state-chartered entity designed to provide fiduciary services to members of a f...

Cybersecurity Tips from a 30-year Veteran of the FBI

Dec 15, 2017
Cybersecurity is a topic of great concern among our members as many face the challenge of keeping family members and their financial information safe. Scott Auge...

PRI: Getting with the Program

Dec 1, 2017
Is it ever worthwhile to accept concessionary investment returns?

Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Defining Your Family Legacy

Nov 30, 2017
When I was in third grade, my teacher brought in some maple tree saplings as part of a science lesson. We were shown two possible places to plant these saplings;...

Big Ideas for Next Generation of Family Wealth Investors

Nov 20, 2017
I recently had an amazing opportunity to spend a few days with 46 millennial clients who came to Silicon Valley for our Next Generation Program. Focused on the t...

MRI: Making Mission More Than a Statement

Oct 27, 2017
“To thine own self be true,”  William Shakespeare famously wrote. The same could be said of organizations, many of which tirelessly work to ensure that they...

Treasury to Withdraw Proposed Regulations Restricting or Eliminating Valuation Discounts

Oct 17, 2017
The U.S. Department of the Treasury plans to withdraw proposed regulations issued in August 2016 that would have narrowed or eliminated taxpayers’ ability to cla...

Sustaining Trust and Navigating Conflict in Your Family Business

Oct 11, 2017
You’ve worked so hard to make your family business a success, but eroding trust and simmering conflict threaten to derail the progress you’ve made. Is that a sig...

Protecting your Children in Cyberspace

Oct 4, 2017
Even highly responsible children can compound cyber risk to the entire household. They are more trusting than adults. They inadvertently engage with cyber thieve...

Improving the Visibility of Entrepreneurs

Oct 4, 2017
Paramount to every enterprise is a healthy, abundant supply chain. Regardless of the end product, the quality and quantity of the raw materials will dictate the ...

Age Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

Sep 29, 2017
“In life, longevity is a gift only if you know how to use it.

A Global FOX: Connecting and Strengthening Families Here and Abroad

Sep 29, 2017
As president of Family Office Exchange, I spend much of my time outside of our Chicago headquarters travelling to far-off locales to meet with families who are p...

Strategic Philanthropy: New Approach to a Classic Concept

Sep 18, 2017
In 360 B.C., the Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote of the distinction between simply giving away money and giving it away as part of a thoughtful process.In Aris...

Cyber Security Considerations During Real-Estate Transactions

Sep 15, 2017
Buying or selling real estate, especially your personal home, presents a unique set of fraud and cyber-security risks. Protect yourself by understanding these ri...

Family Office Hospitality

Sep 11, 2017
Members of the FOX Client Experience Council – a like-minded group of executives from single and multi-family offices around the country who gather in person twi...

Compete, Compromise or Co-Create

Sep 11, 2017
Conscious leaders know that co-creation is a possible choice along with competition and compromise. They have developed the wisdom and skill to know which option...

Is Your Pricing Strategy Good For Your Business?

Sep 8, 2017
More advisors to families of wealth are wondering if an asset-based pricing structure has out-lived its useful purposeIt seems long ago that wealth advisors coul...

Trump Family Business Transition Puts Succession Planning In The Spotlight

Sep 7, 2017
Transitioning a family business to the next generation is one of the most important and toughest business decisions a family firm owner will ever make. No other ...

Higher Standards: The Attraction of Benefit Corporations

Sep 5, 2017
At first glance, the clothing company Patagonia, the cleaning products manufacturer Method, and the funding platform Kickstarter might seem radically different. ...

Long-Term Incentives and Phantom Stock: Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Family Office

Aug 15, 2017
According to the 2016 FOX Family Office Compensation and Benefits survey, only 30 % of offices offered long-term incentive plans.