While the greatest tragedy is the loss of life, disasters also cause major financial damage, often leading to the temporary shutdown of companies or even putting them out of business. Preparing for the possibility of disasters is especially critical for small and mid-size companies that may not have the financial resources to recover from a devastating event.
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Whether traveling for business or pleasure, wealthy individuals need to think through everything from managing petty theft and lost passports to accessing medical care in a remote location. This white paper provides guidance on proper planning, including a checklist of safety tips to reduce the likelihood of becoming a crime victim while away from home.
Parents want to do what is best for their children and teach them appropriate life lessons at appropriate developmental stages. Knowing what to teach children when is an art, something at which every caring parent wants to be successful. The skill building pyramid outlined in this paper provides a means to gain clarity as to what, specifically, parents are trying to teach their children and how best to go about teaching them.
Selecting one’s home state as the situs may be a convenient or easy answer. However, the ability to implement a trust that may last forever, eliminate additional transfer taxes after funding and avoid state income taxes may provide the financial incentive to stray from home, or at least to consider it.
In 2012, total charitable giving rose to $316 billion in the United States, driven by an $8 billion increase in gifts by individuals. This year, individual donations are likely to continue growing, spurred by tax changes, the improving economy and donor-friendly IRA rules. Here are five reasons why 2013 is a great year to give.
When the time comes for assets to be dispersed among heirs, everyday objects of sentimental value can become contested belongings. Many parents admit to worrying about the sibling rivalries this process may stir up. Yet, uncertain how to confront these issues, many tend to simply hope for the best. A better course of action: proactive discussion, as a family, during a parent’s lifetime.
Despite marked improvement, economic and market conditions have not returned to “normal.” Opinions differ, but perhaps normal is defined best by what is abnormal. By identifying and examining the issues that stand out as extraordinary, investors can understand how their reversion will impact economic growth and the markets.
In light of the increased cyber fraud of email accounts, firms should adopt client callout practices to confirm third-party wire requests received through email. Faxes, voice mail messages and emails should not be used to verify wire transactions. Client education makes these types of money movement controls more acceptable and encourages clients to be proactive in protecting their assets.
Planning discussions about wishes are often reduced to how wealth should be distributed or utilized when the principal dies. However, wealthy individuals may be better served by a much broader discussion of how to build a family legacy that generates social and economic wealth, creates family unity and transcends time.
Following a survey in which 83 percent of employers reported that the average age of their workforce increased in the past decade, the author, who has practiced labor law for three decades, offers four tips for employers who are challenged by a workforce that may include as many as four different generations of workers.