Please join us on Wednesday, September 29, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live interactive webcast with FOX members and subject matter experts. Demonstrating the value of a family office is no small feat. The pressing priorities of an office often leave little room to fully grasp the impact of the work being done to fulfill the family’s v...
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Please join us on Wednesday, December 15, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live interactive webcast with FOX members and subject matter experts.As the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history unfolds during a time of rapid technological, climate, and social change, some families view philanthropy as a way to build family c...
Please join us on Wednesday, November 10, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live interactive webcast with FOX members and subject matter experts.40% of families now gift their assets through trusts compared to 12.5% in 1995. Directed trusts, special purpose entities, trust protector companies, and regulated and unregulated p...
Please join us on Wednesday, April 28, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live webcast with Christopher Johnson, VP, Head of ETF Capital Markets and Equity Trading, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., and FOX members to discuss recently implemented and contemplated equity and ETF market changes.A well-intentioned and deliberate approac...
Please join us on Wednesday, December 1, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live interactive webcast with FOX members and subject matter experts.The events of the last two years have been a catalyst for families to assess past and future philanthropy goals and strategies. Key elements currently impacting philanthropy approache...
Please join us on Wednesday, December 15, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live interactive webinar with FOX members and subject matter experts. During this virtual event, attendees will be able to share ideas, questions, and solutions for operating in the months ahead.As always, we look forward to continued dialogue with you over the...
Please join us for a live and interactive peer exchange with your fellow FOX Family Office member peers.In response to the recent discussion on FOX chat, FOX is gathering members to discuss how family offices have altered (if at all) their investment/tax/asset protection etc. strategy in response to the current economic environment. The following t...
Please join us Thursday, March 11, from 10:00 am to 11:15 am CT, for a live & interactive virtual meeting with the FOX Rising Gen community. These experiences are available to all members of FOX’s Rising Gen community who are looking for opportunities to build relationships, have authentic conversations, and gain acti...
Please join us Thursday, March 25, from 3:00pm CT - 4:00pm CT for a virtual meeting with private investors, focused on bringing together families with an active interest in direct investing. In this meeting Jonathan Tunner, Director, Private Investment Opportunities, and Tim Duffy, General Counsel and Manager of Strat...
Please join us Thursday, June 3, from 3:00pm CT - 4:00pm CT for a virtual meeting with private investors, focused on bringing together families with an active interest in direct investing. Meet other like-minded investors and engage in meaningful interactive virtual peer discussion among members to share ideas, experiences, and challenge...
Please join us Thursday, April 29, from 10:00 am to 11:15 am CT, for a live and interactive virtual meeting with the FOX Rising Gen community. These experiences are available to all members of FOX’s Rising Gen community who are looking for opportunities to build relationships, have authentic conversations, and gain action-oriented new i...
FOX is gathering family office members who are interested in discussing investing in blockchain and cyptocurrencies. We ask that you email with topics or questions you or your family office would like to discuss or learn more about with your peers. This is going to be an informal discussion among peers.&nbs...
Please join us on Wednesday, February 9, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live interactive webcast with FOX members and subject matter experts.Family Businesses in the United States fuel the country’s economic engine. Research shows Family Businesses employ 59% of all US workers and generate 54% of GDP, (“2021 Contribution o...
Please join us on Wednesday, January 19, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CT, for a live interactive webcast with FOX members and subject matter experts.The new year brings unique opportunities for families and their offices, but it can also create new obstacles to navigate. FOX has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and oppo...