2020 FOX Virtual Global Investment Forum


Tuesday, Jul 14, 2020 - 05:00am
Friday, Jul 17, 2020 - 07:00am

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the 2020 FOX Global Investment Forum™ has gone virtual. Over the course of four days, the FOX community’s most sophisticated private capital investors will explore what’s on investing’s horizon, including emerging technology, social impact, and trending opportunities.

The forum will provide an opportunity to connect with peers from FOX families for meaningful exchange of ideas and discussions about what the future of investing holds for you.

The Virtual Global Investment Forum is open to all members, with unlimited participation.

Who Should Attend
All FOX members, including family office executives and advisors, are encouraged to attend this year’s forum. There is no limit on attendance per member firm.

Online registration will close at 5 pm (CT) on Monday, 7/13.  If you would like to register after this time, please contact us directly at events@familyoffice.com.  Please note we recommend that you email us at least an hour before you would like to join a session.

Virtual Event
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