Highlights from the 2020 FOX Global Investment Survey


Identifying the trends and issues affecting families of wealth is a large part of our mission at FOX. We explored what’s top-of-mind for members through the latest results of our 2020 Global Investment Survey.

Insights and Key Takeaways

We are delighted to share important highlights from the 2020 FOX Global Investment Survey. FOX produces this annual survey of 120 family offices, and offers insights into what these family enterprises are doing right now around investments.

While the survey is focused on the end of 2019, it includes the notable effects of Covid-19, as not surprisingly, pandemic concerns grew immensely during Q1 and Q2 of 2020. In fact, when asked which global issue survey participants are most concerned about having a negative impact on their investment portfolio, 97% report that the pandemic is their biggest worry. Trade wars and political volatility are distant seconds.

Click for more insights from
this session in the FOX Blog.
