Digital Rubicon, Proximity and the Future of All Business


With Covid-19, we've all crossed the Digital Rubicon. Professor Wolcott will offer foresight about the next few years and beyond, and what it  might mean for business leaders and investors.

Insights and Key Takeaways

Innovation often comes out of conflict or hardship that forces us to develop new ideas and a new mindset to solve and overcome the conflict. Robert Wolcott, Co-Founder and Chairman of TWIN Global, asserts that the Covid-19 pandemic is such a time, when so much around us is changing, innovation is booming, and the future is top of mind.

According to Wolcott, the most important input to innovation is building trust and relationships with people. A trusting relationship allows us to listen and believe in new ideas. When we have trust, we are more inclined to give new thinking a chance. With the underlying paradigms of our world changing, of course we still rely on experts to guide us, but we also must seek new and multiple perspectives.

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this session in the FOX Blog.
