The Emerging Influence of Social Impact Investing


As more investors align their investment strategies with their social values, considerable debates have grown too. Can impact investing deliver market-rate returns? What opportunities exist for investing in areas such as gender equality, climate, or a particular community? What practical steps have other family offices taken to realize competitive rates and achieve measurable social impact? Learn about the opportunities and challenges, as well as what’s happening across the social impact industry, during a “fireside chat” with two active social impact investors.

Insights and Key Takeaways

What is social impact investing? Is it reliable? Should you use it? Basically social impact investing is an investment strategy and a tactic to address pressing social and environmental challenges.

Impact investing uses a range of approaches that vary based by personal goals. Some investors look at their current profile and make adjustments, while others proactively build their portfolio with impact in mind. And some investors seek high returns, yet others seek investments to make the most impact toward their cause.

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this session in the FOX Blog.
