The Dynamic Ecosystem of Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency


New York Times best-selling author, and technology innovator Thomas J. Anderson will help you connect old currency ideas to new technologies. As billions of dollars pour into blockchain and cryptocurrency - with trillions more depending on the outcome - investors need to form their own conviction hierarchy around this emerging and dynamic ecosystem. We’ll explore the implications of, and use cases for these emerging technologies and currencies, and discuss the potential for a megatrend convergence. You’ll gain a greater understanding of the foundational concepts, as well as how future trends may affect industries, markets, government, and policy.

Insights and Key Takeaways

The future of money is a timely yet complicated topic, especially with cryptocurrency in the mix. Thomas Anderson, Author of Money without Boundaries, shares foundational facts about money, and answers questions around the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The U.S. debt has quintupled in the last 20 years, with no real plan to pay it off. Neither party in congress has a strategy to balance our budget ever again. And the U.S. government solves this issue basically by making money.

Anderson asserts that money is surprisingly a “nothing” concept. While theoretically money is vitally important to us, it’s critical to understand that when you have $100 bill it’s not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. When you send digital money, what are you actually sending? If you wire someone a million dollars, what is backing that? It’s really nothing – yet today’s dollar has an unlimited supply, and, says Anderson, terrible fiscal stewards.

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this session in the FOX Blog.
