In this interactive session, we’ll examine how adopting a listening framework and developing the skills to listen strategically can help elevate your effectiveness as an advisor. We’ll then connect the dots with real life examples of how executives have successfully applied a listening framework to communicate and resonate with clients and colleagues authentically, resulting in an immediate positive impact on their relationships. Armed with these new skills, you’ll also have a chance to practice with your peers in an interactive dialogue session.
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According to research by FOX’s David Toth, advisors are facing the dilemma of replacing retiring baby boomers - along with their institutional knowledge - in large numbers, while adapting their “employment brand” to be attractive to a different generation of workers. As employees seek companies with cultures that align with their own values, recruiting and retaining the best and the brightest requires a strategic approach to talent.
By 2030, nearly 75% of employees are projected to be Millennials. For some time now, forward-thinking organizations have been laying the groundwork for this generation and the changes in expectations, work styles, and values that
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How Clients, Employees and Pricing are Making an ImpactWe are entering a transformative period for the ultra-wealth business. It is driven by a tectonic shift of demographics that is leading to an enormous transfer of wealth, monetization of private businesses, and a new workforce that will define the future.
Throughout their lives, many women will probably face a number of circumstances unique to their gender, and each with financial implications. When it comes to women and money, it is essential for them to find a trusted advisor who understands their distinct needs and to whom they can relate. By planning for the future, actively managing, growing, and stewarding their wealth, women can become more empowered and in control of their wealth.
Successful families and individuals expect their financial advisors to address their complete financial picture, including protecting them from property and casualty risks. However, most financial advisors do not provide this support. This clear expectations gap is demonstrated in a survey of 200 successful families or individuals. Financial advisors who recognize the gap and take steps to educate themselves to help their clients safeguard their assets can bring meaningful value that can also strengthen and solidify their relationships.
Incentives that address the work environment, career development, and compensation are attractive, and they are being offered by a plurality of middle market companies to attract and retain a desired workforce in a tight labor market. But age can have a profound impact on the way incentives are viewed. Management will need to strike a balance between incentives they can afford to offer and those that potential employees value.
In a tight labor market, companies are offering a range of benefits and incentives to address the need for a qualified workforce comprised of Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials. But are companies striking a balance between the incentives they offer and those that potential employees value?
The frequency and scope of cyberattacks are growing rapidly, with breaches becoming a significant threat to a business’s reputation and sustainability. No industry or business size is immune to a cyberattack, and small and midsize businesses typically face more acute risks. With cyberthreats evolving and becoming more prevalent, what can your organization do to reduce the potential of suffering a cyberattack and hopefully minimize the cost of the incident?