Families often complain about the challenge of getting siblings and cousins more engaged in business and family activities. There is a great divide between the “make it happen” people and the “watch it happen” people in the family, and a risk of burnout for the family members who are providing the leadership.
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Carl Robinson, Ph.D., Managing Partner, Vantage Leadership Consulting In a family enterprise, the greatest challenge is to engage family members effectively in leadership roles and governing board participation. The development of future leaders in the family is critical to its future, and the leaders' participation in family governance is key to sustaining the enterprise. As team of nationally recognized leadership consultants he will put a spotlight on the critical leadership skills needed in a complex family enterprise.
Family offices and multi-family offices still grappling with Dodd-Frank are now faced with changes in gift and estate tax, personal income tax and business taxes from The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. In this session Thomas Abendroth and Robert Pluth Jr. of Schiff Hardinbrings provided insights into the implications of these changes and how recent interpretations from the courts may impact your office.Key takeaways include:
What are the latest political and legislative developments and what do families need to be aware of post election?
Executive Peer Dialogue Group #1 – Small Offices –in St. Clair 1 FOX facilitators: Jo Wellman, Mariann Mihailidis & Sandra Ditore Group #2 – Medium Offices –in St. Clair 2FOX facilitators: Heather Asher & Michael Sallas Group #3 – Large Offices –in St.
Walnut Ridge Strategic Management Co. just completed an internal controls audit. Lou Colella and his advisor, Chris Cutrara of Plante Moran provided an in-depth look at their audit experience, including how they identified resources, implementation, and the end results.The biggest issues identified in this case study included: lack of cash controls, accountability for financial reporting, documentation on investment policy, and lack of committees and communication on trusts.Key takeaways include:
This session previewed new Family Office Exchange research on family office technology with a look at current software solutions, technology budgets, biggest technology challenges and plans for the future. FOX Senior Consultant Jane Flanagan led the discussion.Key takeaways include:
Craig Cook of Oakbrook Solutions and Mark Rogozinski of RockIT looked at how progress is impacting back-office operations in the areas of strategy, standardization, reporting and cloud technology as well as the trends that are uppermost in the minds of family office executives.Key takeaways include:
Our daily life, economic vitality, and family security depend on a stable, safe, and resilient cyberspace. As we all become more reliant on modern technology, we also become more vulnerable to cyber attacks such as corporate security breaches, spear phishing and social media fraud. These threats will be addressed and solutions provided in this session.
Social engineering is the term security experts use to describe fraud campaigns that target human rather than technology elements. This brand of fraud has grown increasingly pervasive in recent years. In fact, with technology-based security programs becoming more sophisticated, more criminals are turning to social engineering. Tristate President Chuck Fawcett will address what you need to know to combat this ever-growing threat.