FOX Technology Survey Results


This session previewed new Family Office Exchange research on family office technology with a look at current software solutions, technology budgets, biggest technology challenges and plans for the future. FOX Senior Consultant Jane Flanagan led the discussion.

Key takeaways include:

  • Only 21% of single family offices have a dedicated IT person on staff
  • Top challenges: integration, security, finding the right software solutions, staying current and reporting.
  • These challenges are not too different than from the last time we studied this issue and quite common.
  • Integration remains elusive. Excel is the bridge between software programs.
  • 29% send financial info to clients mobile devices.
  • 97% have or are putting together a disaster recovery plan.
  • Cloud most common disaster recovery option (27%).
  • 46% using cloud technology.
  • Most respondents couldn’t quantify cost savings but did point to efficiencies from cloud computing.
  • Technology makes up 5% of average family office budget.

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