Real assets, like income-producing ranches, provide a hedge against inflation, and are an attractive investment for a diversified portfolio when managed correctly. With the right business plan for your ranch investment and enterprise, you can build the resiliency needed to capitalize on it.
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While marijuana is still illegal under federal law, what was previously considered a forbidden substance is now part of the mainstream. As public policy evolves, risk professionals must stay abreast of legal and political developments, review and update existing workplace policies, and carefully handle any workers’ compensation, employment practices liability, and other insurance claims in which marijuana use may play a role.
With so many priorities on the Biden administration’s tax policy agenda, the biggest question for businesses and individuals alike is: How will this impact me? Regardless of whether the administration accomplishes everything outlined in the Treasury’s Green Book, businesses and individuals must take a proactive approach to tax planning. In this Tax Policy Agenda Video Series, Todd Simmens and his guests explore the tax issues and the planning opportunities to help you prepare.
ESG—the environmental, social, and governance factor can serve as a great opportunity and platform to do better while improving your business on multiple levels. In this podcast episode, host Damien Martin sits down with guest Dirk Cockrum to define ESG, explain its potential effects, describe various ESG frameworks, and share how to get started on building your program.Here’s what’s covered:
During the Great Resignation, retaining talent has become a big challenge for many employers who know that losing talent can be costly and high-performing employees are difficult to replace. While employees may leave if they are underpaid relative to the market, it is rarely the sole reason for leaving an employer. As companies think about retaining talent, a holistic review of the employee value proposition that looks beyond compensation can be helpful.
The tailwinds that greeted commodities in 2021 have moderated, but they are not gone. Faced with strong economic growth and high inflation, the market expects the Fed to run down its balance sheet and begin hiking interest rates. In addition, a shift in consumer habits has left most commodity markets priced for a deficit, which may require an extended period of high prices and could lead to continued strength from the asset class.
In this Tax Outlook Survey, 150 tax executives were polled on questions ranging from their tax planning strategies to their views on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. The findings indicate that the recently enacted and proposed tax policy changes continue to pose challenges to tax executives and their teams as they strive to guide their organizations through a dynamic world.
Companies and family offices face many barriers to the success of their strategic growth plans. Learn what the top limits are of strategic growth success and how to overcome these challenges.
Successful strategic growth planning occurs when a company identifies opportunities for growth and then focuses its organization to be efficient and effective in the pursuit of those opportunities. Having proper preparation and governance is key to reach and sustain that success. This e-book will help jump start a company’s move towards that journey. It will also highlight the warning signs that can derail a strategic plan and show how companies can prepare to keep the plan on track.
In this segment of The Market in Five Charts, Chief Investment Officer Rick Pitcairn addresses the Ukraine crisis and its impact on capital markets through the following lens: