Successful Generations Podcast: Engaging Your Family in Family Philanthropy


The question Virginia “Ginny” Esposito, Founder of the National Center for Family Philanthropy, gets asked the most, is “How can I engage my family in philanthropy?” In this episode, Ginny highlights what family business is and common trends in the work she has been in for over 30 years. She has lots of wisdom for parents and great resources, whether you are just getting started or if you’ve been giving for decades.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • About Ginny Esposito (1:43)
  • What is family philanthropy? (3:56)
  • Trends in family philanthropy (11:51)
  • Issue-based vs. place-based giving (14:45)
  • Engaging family in family philanthropy (28:30)
  • Resources (38:20)
  • Why are you engaging your family? (something to consider) (45:00)
  • Bonus Questions (46:12)

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