The selection of an appropriate interior designer, architect, or landscape professional for a project is not unlike choosing other professionals as one always checks on reputation, appropriate licensing, and insurance. However, there are certain aspects of hiring talent that must be addressed to optimize the client/talent relationship.
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Many individuals are wondering whether the IRS intends to use its new audit unit to develop tax enforcement cases. A former high-ranking executive with the IRS provides answers in this 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum presentation.
In this 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum session, two family offices report on what they learned from their analysis of the costs they incur in meeting the needs of the families they serve.
Get a glimpse of the family office of the future and the technology employed in securing, managing and distributing data. This 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum session also looks at how to make the most of existing technology. Conduct periodic assessments of your technology to ensure it aligns with your business goals. Even incremental changes can yield big benefits. Focus on timely, integrated information delivery to the end user as well as operational and client service tools. Spreadsheets are here to stay.
Beginning August 2, the Federal Aviation Administration will release registration numbers of all private flight operations unless a specified security concern is received. This reflects a change in the Block Aircraft Registration Request program, which since 2000 has allowed aircraft operators to prevent the general public from tracking their individual flight movements.
At the the 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum, the president of the Private Investor Coalition describes how this group of 65 single family offices has worked with Congress and the SEC to secure a broad definition of family offices under terms of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Wealth owners have an 18-month window of opportunity to capitalize on gift, estate, and generation-skipping tax provisions of the 2010 Tax Act. In this session at the 2011 FOX Financial Executives Forum, a noted trusts and estates attorney recommends what to do now.
Long-term care insurance can help wealthy families with a number of issues when a family member needs extended care. These include privacy through care coordination and staff training; improved family relationships with a written plan of care; liquidity and tax issues, and estate planning by allowing gifts as planned despite medical costs.
Staying focused on a single family may seem like an easy and less risky option in the wake of Dodd-Frank. However, the competitive climate will make it increasingly difficult to bypass the efficiencies and economies of scale that come with managing more families.
Families can find a well-qualified firm to meet their home technology needs by performing the proper due diligence. Before hiring an automation company, families should consider the reputation of the firm, determine its qualifications, conduct a targeted interview, and evaluate the firm's design experience.