Case management, a new concept in the addiction and behavioral health field, can significantly increase the likelihood of sustained recovery for individuals who suffer from chronic diseases such as alcoholism, drug dependence, depression and other addictive and behavioral disorders.
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Supportive and knowledgeable family members can be very influential in supporting a loved one’s recovery from addiction. With the help of a trusted addiction counselor, families can become “positive enablers” by developing a long-term recovery management plan, looking for effective treatment and identifying sources of leverage for treatment compliance.
Bruce Golden of Accel Partners has been recognized as one of the top 100 venture capitalists in Forbes’ Midas List of tech investors. He also sits on the boards of several public and private companies. In a recent interview, he shared his perspective as both a board member and investor, and explained how communication and measurement are the keys to good private company governance.
As a result of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the private family trust company (PFTC) has becomie a very popular vehicle to provide not only Family Office SEC exemption but also trust administration to the ultra wealthy inter-generationally and several additional tax and non-tax advantages.
This article highlights steps that should be taken to ensure the privacy of family members and family office staff who use social media tools, including warnings about posting location-based information and a review of privacy settings for social media.
In his latest research study, Dennis Jaffe and research contributors from Family Business Network, Family Office Exchange, and Stetson University’s Family Enterprise Center interviewed 38 families that have managed to overcome the adage “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.” The report discusses the generational stages in the development of the family enterprise and includes 19 vignettes of family member refle
A software consultant to financial services firms provides some food for thought about the extensive use of custom built Excel-based applications. The article touches on reasons why the use of Excel may be hurting your advisory firm or family office, reasons to review your existing Excel applications in use and whether you should consider other options.
Walnut Ridge Strategic Management Co. just completed an internal controls audit. Lou Colella and his advisor, Chris Cutrara of Plante Moran provided an in-depth look at their audit experience, including how they identified resources, implementation, and the end results.The biggest issues identified in this case study included: lack of cash controls, accountability for financial reporting, documentation on investment policy, and lack of committees and communication on trusts.Key takeaways include:
With some care and effort, your family’s story can live on and grow with each new generation. This article describes the process of creating a family archive: a treasure trove of historical information about family decendants, business accomplishements and important events. Helpful tips such as archival vendors and types of materials to use are included.
This session previewed new Family Office Exchange research on family office technology with a look at current software solutions, technology budgets, biggest technology challenges and plans for the future. FOX Senior Consultant Jane Flanagan led the discussion.Key takeaways include: