Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was released at the end of 2017, family office and multi-family office professionals have been struggling to understand what all this means for their clients’ situations and circumstances.
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The biggest asset of any family office is the staff that supports the family clients. Hear from two family office human resource executives about the elements and process to consider in building an effective team that delivers the best client experience for the family. The executives will discuss leadership and team building strategies and offer practical examples to build the best team to support the family. The basic tenets of building an effective family office team will include leadership, assessing talent, and building a team and culture.
Needs and goals of the family inform the attributes of any good family office. How the family office supports the family in that regard is a big question. Increasingly, certain families are considering transforming into a virtual family office, in part at least, as they think about the family client of the future. But what are the considerations that should be addressed as part of such a change? This session will explore the impact of such a transformation of a family office on oversight, cost, technology, team and advisor ecosystem, as well as insourcing vs.
Enterprise Risk Management offers a robust approach to managing risk for families, developing a cost effective, comprehensive plan taking into consideration the rapidly evolving nature of our clients’ needs. It takes a holistic approach to identifying, defining, quantifying, analyzing and providing solutions to all the identifiable exposures facing family offices. This session will review the 5 Steps of Risk Management, Loss Control, Loss Mitigation and Transfer of Risk.
The 2017 Tax Act presents planning opportunities around the choice of entity. Existing clients with pass through entities like S-Corporations and LLCs need to consider if maintaining this status is prudent given the changes in the tax law. In the past C-Corporations considered elections to become pass through entities to avoid two tiers of tax. What is best for a particular client situation will challenge past convention on choice of entity as optimization is dependent on facts and circumstances.
Under the new ASC 606 revenue recognition standard, contracts are the basis of how organizations must recognize revenue. This places significant pressure on your accounting system and financial reporting. In addition to handling contract-related data, it must support revenue recognition and allocation, revenue reallocation, and expense amortization.
It’s not news that revenue is the key indicator of a company’s financial performance and health. What is news is the accounting rules around the recognition and reporting on that revenue is about to change under ASC 606, particularly if you have a subscription-based business that derives revenue from contracts with customers. What’s the big deal? For starters, the impact of the change extends beyond a mere tweak to your accounting methods.
Today’s risk environment is more complex than ever before, and successful individuals, families, and family enterprises are facing a convergence of personal, commercial, strategic, and financial risks. This latest Family Office Benchmarking Study provides a deep examination of concerns, trends, and personal insurance data and programs that are specific to the family office segment.
A New Cybersecurity Paradigm Without Usernames & PasswordsCybersecurity has become a rapidly evolving chess game. Authentication is one of the key pillars of cybersecurity, as are data integrity assurances, firewalls, virus scans, and other security protections.
Federal tax reform has potentially and perhaps unexpectedly increased the tax liability for families by destroying the deduction for investment expenses. However, the recent United States Tax Court decision on the Lender Management case may provide an opportunity for family offices to maintain deductibility for legitimate business expenses under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 162 instead of Section 122. Therefore, family offices desiring to deduct expenses may want their facts to closely mirror those of Lender Management, LLC and to consider restructuring.