Over the past several years, the world has experienced an increase in the number of devastating natural disasters, yet according to FEMA more than 60% of Americans lack a household emergency plan. In this webinar, Marsh Private Client Services and Guy Carpenter examined natural disasters, including earthquake, flood, storm surge, wildfire, and windstorm, and their potential risks. They shared information to help individuals, families, family offices, and their advisors understand their exposures and the resources available to help mitigate and manage these risks.
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If you think you may need a family office to manage your family’s wealth or you want to take your family office to the next level, this webinar will help you understand the role and functions of a family office and what it takes to start and maintain one.In this session, you will learn about the concepts FOX has garnered working with families around the world and powerful stories of successes and failures.The webinar focused on services offered by family offices. Highlights include:
Hiring domestic staff such as nannies, personal assistants, and housekeepers can expose you to liability issues and danger from unscrupulous employees. It is important to understand your areas of vulnerability and take steps to protect your family and your finances. Whether you hire your own employees or the family office hires them, three often overlooked areas which can create liability for high-net-worth families are insurance coverage, background checks, and employment documentation.
Life insurance is part of virtually all family and family office environments. It is utilized for short- and long-term planning, financial security for spouses, estate taxes and family business buy/sell planning. Often not well understood, life insurance can be easily relegated to the “back burner” – with potentially disastrous results. Auditing these assets can highlight unknown, time-sensitive risks, and increase financial leverage opportunities.The learning objectives include:
From big data and network effects to the subscription economy and cloud computing, modern finance is undergoing its most fundamental transformation ever. Today, it takes a data-driven finance leader – someone who understands and embraces the promise and power of technology – to navigate this exciting, uncertain future.We discussed:
What can I do to raise productive, responsible, generous and prepared inheritors or owners? How do I get the rising generation to get involved and engaged in learning so they are ready for their future roles and responsibilities? How do we create programs and a curriculum that everyone will find valuable taking into consideration their different ages, interests and aptitudes? While there is not a silver bullet solution or a guarantee of success, this session will provide insights and examples to help parents, family office professionals, and wealth advisors address these common questions.
Families often ask what the best technology platform for a family office is – making the assumption that there are just one or two types of technology solutions. However, most family offices require a combination of accounting, investment and reporting tools, as well as various supporting tools. The specific tools vary based on the types of investments, activities performed within the office and by service providers, and the needs and desires of the family and its staff.
While most indicators predict a healthy economy in the near future, the inevitable downturn lurks ominously on the horizon. In addition, tension with Russia and China, as well as the threat of renewed violence in the Middle East creates warranted anxiety among investors. Certainly the landscape of risks investors and family offices face continues to evolve and some risks may play out slowly over years or decades, but even those discussed daily in the media could play out in different ways.
Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was released at the end of 2017, family office and multi-family office professionals have been struggling to understand what all this means for their clients’ situations and circumstances.
The biggest asset of any family office is the staff that supports the family clients. Hear from two family office human resource executives about the elements and process to consider in building an effective team that delivers the best client experience for the family. The executives will discuss leadership and team building strategies and offer practical examples to build the best team to support the family. The basic tenets of building an effective family office team will include leadership, assessing talent, and building a team and culture.