In this 3-part series on essay writing for your college application, insights are shared to help high school students understand what makes an essay good and how to get started on writing a unique, compelling story to tell in their personal statement. The essay also plays an important role in connecting a student's personal, academic, and extracurricular life.
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Through interviews with dozen of donors, Legacy in Family Philanthropy: A Modern Framework, explores big concepts, such as how the ever-evolving idea of legacy relates to values-driven giving and a commitment to impact. While it offers an overarching framework and legal considerations, this companion workbook provides stories, practical tips, and discussion starters for families and donors.
Liesel Pritzker Simmons, principal and co-founder of Blue Haven Initiative, and her mom Irene Pritzker, president of the IDP Foundation, have built innovative family philanthropy efforts. In this Family Philanthropy Speaks episode, hear how Liesel and Irene have learned alongside one another while forging their own identities as impact investors and change agents.
Successfully transferring wealth to the next generation requires healthy and open communication within a family. In this Insights episode, learn how philanthropy can create the unique opportunity for families to do this by sharing values, making decisions, and giving back together.
We all have family stories around money, some fun and harmless, others serious and impactful. They are the money stories that shape your financial personality. Knowing how to recognize your money story and its influence on your behavior is vital to your overall financial health and success. It is also key to building and maintaining financial harmony within families. When you know your money story and how it came about, it can empower you to better manage and control your personal finances.
Though being (or becoming) “rich" would seem to be a universal quest, the mixed experiences of those born into, married into, or suddenly rich undermine the fantasy that “rich equals “happy.” Sometimes the guilt, shame, and the complexity of growing up with abundance can create unwanted family dynamics that strain family relationships. In this special educational webinar, Joline Godfrey (author of Raising Financially Fit Kids) joins Robin Petty at Hawthorn and dives deeper into the topic.
Understanding the development of family leaders plays an important role as new generations emerge. In this episode, Richard Joyner discusses the path it takes to become a family leader and how to develop the skills and experiences needed for success.
As families transition into another year navigating the pandemic’s unknowns, the need to prepare for succession and practice decision-making is greater. In this Tolleson Insights podcast episode, Richard Joyner shares why prepping for a family’s future and helping eliminate the “what would happen if…” is essential.
Teaching the joys, benefits, and responsibilities of philanthropy is often a top-down process. For most families, the starting point in encouraging a philanthropic mindset in children is to identify specific values that matter to them and to live by those values. Most important, continue to set a good example through meaningful actions and active giving plans.
The college admissions world is constantly changing. In this webcast, Lindsay and Olivia of LogicPrep discuss recent admissions trends, the different types of test-optional policies, and what parts of your application matter most to colleges right now.