Join us as we consider conceptual, technical, and qualitative issues and how they can significantly impact wealth transfers at all stages of the succession and transition planning process. The session will provide proven insights, strategies, and actionable steps for attendees to consider when planning and executing transfers of wealth. Whether beginning a new venture or approaching an exit of a privately-held company, there are many ways to achieve your goals while preserving wealth and enhancing value.
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With the varied viewpoints, personalities, and emotions of UHNW family members, finding consensus can be a difficult topic, yet it is imperative to reach goals and move ahead. Gain insight into the structure and practices required for consensus and consider real-life situations resolved using these techniques.
Join the Tsotsorkov family’s journey over the decades, from its entrepreneurial roots going back 250 years to its modern-day enterprise. Gen 2 family leader, Dimitar Tsotsorkov, shares the story of, and learnings from, the family’s recent efforts to capture and codify the unique values that have shaped the enterprise family and its ecosystem throughout the centuries.
This session with the Salgar Family will provide background on the transitions underway in their family and how they used the Family Charter / Constitution to reaffirm the family values, align their goals, and organize their governance process. As part of the move from the first generation to the leadership of Gen 2-3, the family outlined the key components to be included in a charter document, including governance functions and responsibilities and skillsets needed for each role.
The fundamental question – “Will the family live in the plan?” – that Jay Hughes, Mary Duke, and Stacy Allred are asking in their latest research and upcoming book offers a cautionary story for both families and their top advisors. Without the appropriate focus on the family’s qualitative capital, and most importantly, their human capital, the plans and structures families have been investing in to preserve and grow their financial capital will likely be rejected by the future generations who were not engaged or consulted when the plans were made.
In "How To Talk With Your Family About Wealth," we discussed the importance of the family conversation when it comes to planning a legacy—and how quickly wealth can be lost when these conversations don’t take place. Yet despite their importance, these discussions can still be difficult, especially if your family doesn’t regularly talk about money.
Every family office is unique, and so are the governance structures needed to meet the family's objectives. This session will help attendees understand when a family office should implement more (or less) formal governance components - from committees to councils to bringing in outside directors alongside family members. Attendees will walk away with a solid understanding of the family office governance lifecycle, including indicators on when to add or remove governance elements.
A well-functioning board is a crucial component to help the family business achieve longevity and growth. From risk mitigation to culture oversight, a good board can be an important resource for the company, shareholders, and stakeholders. In this discussion, Meghan Juday, IDEAL Industries Chairman and Founder of The Lodis Forum, a peer group for women in board leadership roles, will address key insights and lessons to establish or refresh a board.
When setting up a family legacy plan that extends across generations, it’s vital to have a family governance plan that empowers a family to govern its wealth and enterprises as a cohesive unit. While each family is unique, the keys to incorporating an effective family governance will be uniting around shared purposes, having a written family constitution that sets forth broad principles and policies in areas that are identified by the family as needed, and keeping it separate from any operating business governance.
The family meeting is an important element of the larger family education and communication strategy. Join Edouard Thijssen, Co-Founder & CEO of Trusted Family, and Mindy Kalinowski Earley, Chief Learning Officer at Family Office Exchange, for an educational discussion informed by their decades of work with families.