How Does the Family Live in 'The Plan' | 2023 FOX Family Forum


The fundamental question – “Will the family live in the plan?” – that Jay Hughes, Mary Duke, and Stacy Allred are asking in their latest research and upcoming book offers a cautionary story for both families and their top advisors. Without the appropriate focus on the family’s qualitative capital, and most importantly, their human capital, the plans and structures families have been investing in to preserve and grow their financial capital will likely be rejected by the future generations who were not engaged or consulted when the plans were made. But this cautionary story need not spell doom for the longevity and purpose of the family wealth. This session focuses on the fundamental and practical steps families and their trusted advisers can take to ensure the plans they create will be embraced and carried forward by future generations and that the family’s capital, in all its forms, will flourish for the long run.

​​​​​​James (Jay) E. Hughes Jr., Author of Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family and of Family - The Compact Among Generations
Jeff Strese, Family Learning and Leadership Consultant, FOX

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