Preparing the Rising Generation for Leadership and Succession


Succession and Generational Transition is a key concern for over half of FOX’s family member leaders. Similarly, our rising gen research shows that 53% of the rising gen view leadership and skill development, as well as defining future roles in the family, as a challenge. Together, Sara Hamilton, Founder and CEO of Family Office Exchange, and Mindy Kalinowski Earley, FOX’s Chief Learning Officer, addressed the concerns and challenges of each constituent group, and provided solutions for preparation, transition and succession.

With open communication, clear strategy, role definition and strong leadership preparation, families can diminish the worry around succession and engage in an organized process to steward the next generation toward family leadership paths. Over the years, FOX has assisted future-focused families with successfully transferring leadership to a next generation group – learn from their examples and leave with action items to consider and implement in your family.

By the end of this webcast, attendees will be able to diminish the worry around succession planning and engage in an organized process to move the next gen toward family leadership.

Webcast Replays