As competition increases, it’s even more important to differentiate, stay informed of industry trends and better understand where your firm measures up in relation to the industry. FOX recently launched a benchmarking initiative for MFO’s and advisors to provide the industry with high-quality data that would enable management teams to make better decisions and communicate more effectively with stakeholders. Join this webinar to hear the results that matter most to industry managers; profitability and growth, pricing strategies, teams and compensation.
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This is a brief tour of the Family Office Exchange website.
Evaluating the cost and value of the family office is one of the family office board’s most important responsibilities. Making this happen each year is a challenge. FOX Family Office Benchmarking provides office executives and board members with a means of summarizing the work of the office and putting its value in perspective relative to family office peers.
One of the most important roles of a family office is that of family risk manager. There are many risks facing wealthy families and family offices should establish and maintain an effective risk management and internal control processes. View this program to learn why internal controls are important and what should be included in a risk management and internal control program. What are some common deficiencies uncovered during internal control assessments? How can you ensure effective organizational performance management and accountability?
The benefits of personal wealth come with complexity and heightened responsibility for the family and next generations.
Selecting a wealth advisor may feel like an overwhelming and intimidating task and some families will postpone taking action or make a hasty and uninformed decision. Where do you begin? What should you be concerned about? In this program, you will gain an understanding of best practices in the wealth advisor selection process, questions to ask and things to consider while performing due diligence. Members of the FOX consulting team, Karen Neal and Charlie Grace, will examine how to choose the most applicable business and service model, negotiate terms and fees and explore six areas for evaluating firms. Real case examples and stories will be highlighted to illustrate best practices pertaining to selecting a wealth advisor, with an overview of the new FOX Directory of Leading Wealth Advisors
Effective financial reports provide family members with a consolidated picture of their wealth holdings, allowing them to make knowledgeable decisions about their future. View this webinar to examine recent FOX research on the current state of financial reporting in the family office industry.
Forming a captive insurance company is a frequently overlooked and largely misunderstood option for managing risks and exposures in a cost effective way. Who should form a captive and what are the tax and non-tax benefits?Join this webinar to hear our speakers explore the captive concept, relevant factors to consider when exploring this alternative, how to set it up and what’s involved in the ongoing management. Case examples will be shared to illustrate important key concepts.
Where would we be without such remarkable and brilliant entrepreneurs like Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, and Steve Jobs? Many wealthy families promote, foster and achieve the cultivation of entrepreneurs in order to sustain family wealth across generations. But how do they do it?
Family systems are inherently complex. The seen and unseen patterns of power, control, communication, love, risk-taking, money and trust are just a few of the dynamics that can become unconscious drivers through which families organize themselves and their actions across generations. Join us to gain an understanding of how family dynamics impact family members and learn tools to use to address family systems issues. In this webinar, the speakers discuss common dynamics that keep families from tapping into their full potential.