Partner Webcast: How to Meet the One in a Digital World


In this discussion, Boutique Matchmaker founder’s Cassindy Chao and Shannon Lundgren will discuss how singles can meet “the one” in a digital world. They’ll also shed light on how parents can assist the rising generation of never married young adults in their families. We invite rising gen, family leaders, family office staff and advisors to join this discussion.

By the end of this webcast, attendees will be able to:

  • Put their best foot forward in the modern dating world to attract the singles they’d like to meet.
  • Utilize dating apps safely and effectively so they can be successful meeting singles.
  • Meet like-minded singles in-person through various strategies on their own, and paid services such as matchmaking.
  • Guide rising gen singles and by understanding the new landscape of modern dating.
  • Be “in-the-know” on modern dating trends and data

Boutique Matchmaking is a high-end personal advisory practice that provides curated matchmaking, date coaching, and strategic consulting for multigenerational families of wealth.

The most important decision you and your family members make is choosing the right life partner. We help you invest wisely in making the right relationship choice that aligns with your values, lifestyle, interests and family values. Whether it is the first time or a new chapter in your life, we are your trusted partners. We provide curated matchmaking, date coaching, and strategic consulting for multigenerational families of wealth.

Shannon Lundgren, Co-founder & Partner, Boutique Matchmaking
Cassindy Bierhaus, Co-founder & Partner, Boutique Matchmaking

Webcast Replay