The motivating factors behind the raised values in the real estate market are threefold: to diversify real estate holdings, move to a new product type, or exit the market altogether. Whether this indicates a peak in the market or frothiness in certain product types or geographic areas, tax-deferred exchanges provide commercial property owners with alternatives that allow for continued investment in real estate while delaying the tax consequences of outright sales.
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The recently passed tax reform legislation will impact your investments, your legal entities, and your cash flow. This session will discuss what family offices can do to preserve deductions, explore the changes in how investment losses will be characterized, and explore other ramifications of the significant new tax legislation.
Until recently, many families filled key governance roles associated with their trust and estate planning with trusted friends, colleagues, or advisors who were flattered to be asked and honored to serve.
From news out of Washington, to improving global growth and strong corporate profits, a number of factors could shape the markets in 2018, including the impact of the recent Tax Reform Bill may have on your portfolio. Christopher Hyzy, Chief Investment Officer for Bank of America Global Wealth & Investment Management, provides important insights into opportunities and risks in the coming year—and what it could all mean for you.
Now that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is law, it is helpful to have a checklist for determining how tax reform changes your employee benefit programs and a chart outlining the key benefit plan limits for 2018. Also in this issue of HR Focus, we revisit what sexual harassment is and what employers should be doing to prevent it, address it and help protect themselves from potential liability.
The Tax Reform Act contains sweeping changes and impacts all taxpayers, from individuals to businesses, and the rules for each category are different.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and the recent taxpayer victory in the U.S. Tax Court’s Lender Management, LLC decision have created important planning opportunities for closely held and family-controlled entities in 2018.
Although business-related settlement payments (and attorneys’ fees) are generally tax-deductible, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the Tax Act) restricts an employer’s ability to obtain tax deductions fo
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act significantly affects the ability of the managers of investment funds to receive long-term capital gains with respect to their carried interest. Under current law, the manager of an investment fund can receive a “profits interest” (also known as a “carried interest” or a “promoted interest”) tax-free. In addition, there is a three-year hold requirement for carried interests.
The benefits of the U.S. 2017 tax reform act (the Act) should be broadly felt by Americans, and businesses large and small will see tax relief. The Act contains elements important for stronger economic growth—a competitive corporate tax rate and a move toward a territorial system of international taxation. At the same time, the House and Senate tax-writing committees have indicated that there may be a need to consider technical corrections or more substantive changes to the Act.