Critical to the work of FOX’s Knowledge Center is identifying the global trends and issues that have immediate and future impact on families of wealth.
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In today’s burgeoning Family Office Industry marketplace, the key word is “Integration”, yet, many firms have not yet learned how to deliver true Integrated Family Wealth Management. Firms often silo their offerings creating tremendous inefficiencies and costs for the client while simultaneously missing tremendous opportunities.
In his most recent book, To Sell is Human, author Daniel H. Pink indicates that according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in nine Americans works in sales. More than fifteen million people earn their keep by convincing someone else to make a purchase. But that if you dig deeper, a startling truth emerges: “Yes, one in nine Americans works in sales—but so do the other eight out of nine.
There is both a science and an art to functioning as a wealth advisor. Most, if not all, wealth advisors have the technical know-how to serve their clients – that’s the science of it. The art refers to orchestrating the efforts of disparate experts into a coherent approach that serves the family client and, in the long run, the team of wealth advisors, too. The Optimal Advisor goes beyond coordinating the activities of others.
Family offices of all sizes face document management challenges for a number of reasons: Increasing regulatory compliance requirements are revealing existing document management gaps/deficiencies. As FOs increase advisor productivity in client service and business development through advanced CRM systems, the deficiencies in document management associated with these functions becomes
PwC's 17th Annual Global CEO Survey provides an inside look into how CEOs feel about the global economy, the growth prospects for their own companies and details on the challenges that they feel they are facing in the areas of technology, demographics and globalization. Survey Highlights:
This study examines the various factors driving the success of high-impact entrepreneurs, including how they differ from one another and how they operate, grow and compete. It looks at the key differentiators of companies with different ownership structures and walks the reader through the following research journey:
In light of recent and widely reported art market litigation, many collectors, advisors, dealers, and galleries are more cautious and confused than ever about how to go about buying and selling art and collectibles without losses or lingering liabilities. In this article, Judith L. Pearson of ARIS Title Insurance Corporation discusses the rise of heightened best practices in art transactions as a standard, including the required use of title insurance.
In this article highlighting the importance of title insurance for fine art, Stephen D. Brodie of Herrick, Feinstein LLP, finds that:
Every day we use smartphones, tablets, computers and other digital devices to access, transfer and store information, conduct financial transactions and operate many other aspects of our lives. Your digital assets include all of the digital devices you own, all data stored in them and on external servers, and all of your online user accounts. Ensuring the proper management and orderly transfer of these assets after incapacity or death is an increasingly important aspect of estate planning.