Family Office Exchange continues to lead efforts on assessing need; analyzing impact; evaluating ideas, preparing for innovation; aligning culture and teams toward commitment; and targeting efforts in the design, development and delivery of meaningful and dynamic products, services and processes that are uniquely positioned for the next generation of wealth owners.
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Family Office Exchange has been leading the charge to examine essential elements of the client experience and the influence these elements have on today’s families as well as families of the future. Key to this assessment is defining what family office executives, advisors with whom families will engage, and of course families themselves need to do to more effectively meet the unique and emerging needs of enterprising families.
Over 100 families shared their compensation data and practices as part of the 2015 FOX compensation Benchmarking Survey. The report, distributed in late September, includes a comprehensive analysis of individual compensation categorized by size of staff. Included in the survey results is an analysis of incentive compensation—methodology and annual targets for short-term incentives, types and structure of long-term incentive compensation, current compensation practices, benefits and perquisites and PTO.
Clients often hire domestic staff for help managing a large family and household. But for the affluent homeowner, there are significant risks associated with retaining employees such as babysitters, elder-caregivers, and housekeepers, to name just a few. When hiring domestic workers, it’s important to consider and address the risks involved, which are discussed in this article from Marsh Private Client Services.
The first in-depth exploration from our global family business survey, “women in leadership” shows that family businesses believe in the value of women in leadership overall, not only women family members.
Knowing what Wealth Managers find crucially important when structuring insurance solutions for their clients can help you differentiate yourself amongst this highly influential group of trusted advisors. The insights in this article can help you strengthen your referral network and increase your pipeline of UHNW business.
The volume of information in businesses is doubling every two years, creating significant challenges for businesses of all types and sizes, including family offices. Besides the cost of storage, the information in records and data can pose risks that may surface in audits and litigation. One way to successfully tame the rising tide, is to implement a Records and Information Management (RIM) program. This article discusses the benefits of implementing the proper records management system in order to minimize risks and liabilities at the family office.
CWP Management, Inc., is a busy family office based in Chicago, Illinois. They look after the financial affairs of 10 households and 31 family members across 3 generations, but an ageing IT infrastructure was weighing down on its president’s time and budget. When disaster struck and their data center was compromised, CWP used the opportunity to migrate to a secure, hosted cloud desktop.
With an estimated 82,000 variations of viruses and malware released every day by hackers, how can you keep your client data secure? There is no room for complacency when it comes to the security of your client data, yet it is easy to become apathetic when nearly every day another cybersecurity breach is reported. This article provides several helpful guidelines to protect your office network.
Not long ago, we were more protective of our privacy. Following the advent of e-commerce, all that has changed. Today, we don't think twice about buying something online with our credit card or entering our personal information without giving a thought to who has access to this personal and financial information.