With almost all meetings now happening virtually, how are firms establishing and growing client relationships? Demonstrating your firm’s capabilities, better understanding client needs, maximizing touchpoints, and building deeper client relationships are all important client engagement goals. In this session, leading family learning and events professionals will share their successful strategies and activities to reinvent engagement activities, as well as tips and best practices to help you reinvigorate your own client engagement strategy.Presenters:
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In this keynote session, a tenured wealth management chief technology officer addressed the widening gap between ultra-wealthy clients’ expectations and the actual value delivered. We discussed how firms successfully innovate and work differently to adapt to evolving client needs and will provide insights from our family office membership. Additionally, we explored the complex wealth advisor ecosystem and why finding the right partnership can be a game changer.
During and post pandemic affluent consumers of all generations will work remotely more often, enabling them to become more digital, and generating more personal data, than ever before. Milton Pedraza, Luxury Institute CEO, shared insights and recommendations on how human emotional intelligence optimized with innovations in advanced personalization through privileged access to personal data, powered by AI, can be implemented to achieve high-performance client relationship building today, and beyond.
How we think and feel impacts our health, decision making and actions. Learn from 30 years of research on how people react during times of adversity, and the most effective ways to cope and grow. You’ll gain insight into your personal resilience profile and discover how you can help others deal with the demands of this challenging time.
There is a renewed sense of urgency around racial equity investing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread protests after the deaths of George Floyd and others. By taking on three achievable actions and staying committed to them, investors can help address racial inequities in their investment practices and portfolios. If adopted widely, they have the great potential to reduce some of the imbalances that permeate throughout the asset management industry and society at large.
The IRS is coming out of its silos. Between July 15 and September, the IRS will audit several hundred high-income individuals and one or more related entities, typically one or more pass-throughs. This action will require a coordinated and appropriate response by the taxpayer and his or her advisors and the advisors of the related partnerships, trusts, corporations, and foundations.
As businesses navigate their way through the COVID-19 landscape that includes knowing how to handle complex legal and operational decisions, this roadmap provides details on effective dates and analysis of essential or critical businesses, as well as details the impact of emergency orders across numerous industries.
For many individuals, philanthropy is one of the more gratifying parts of estate planning. Adding in a multigenerational component—one that involves the family’s needs, interests, assets, and goals—can make it even more meaningful and compelling. With the focus on the family and through open channels of communication, philanthropy can be an excellent vehicle for transmitting family values and working together.
As anticipated at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant uptick in cyber fraud. Cyber criminals are opportunistic and taking advantage of companies at their most vulnerable. This is a result of unique risk factors that have been heightened with the rapid shift to remote working arrangements. In this webinar with accompanying slides, we discuss the steps that can be taken to mitigate the cyber threats and protect your organization during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Select the 'download file' to view the accompanying slides.
We have assembled an impressive collection of speakers for this year's FOX Fall Forum to discuss several issues of global importance. The star of the event is our members and their ability to achieve in a rapidly changing world. Join us to learn from wealth owners and advisors at the top of their game – those who have maximized wealth to create new businesses, foster the next generation of leaders, and solve big problems.