Research on income equality and social mobility yields compelling conclusions in support of both sides of the debate. For now, regardless of how the research evolves, it is safe to expect the U.S. will enter an environment of higher personal tax rates with further redistribution in the cards, something investors need to consider when weighing the merits of whether to realize or defer income and capital gains.
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For families contemplating substantial charitable contributions, private foundations provide a structure to create a legacy of family charitable giving and remain a popular vehicle for charitably inclined families.
On 18 March, the Russian Ministry of Finance published a draft law on anti-offshore measures (the Draft). This article by Withers LLP provides a thoughtful review of the Draft, which introduces three concepts:Controlled foreign companies rules (CFC)Russian tax residence for foreign companies based on tests of management and controlNew rules on taxation of the indirect disposal of Russian real estate
The sale of a business can be one of the most significant events for families of wealth. Often, family members have devoted substantial time and resources to building a successful enterprise.While the sale of the business may be viewed as the successful culmination of years of work, it may also cause concern for the owner, who feels there is not enough time to initiate effective wealth transfer planning. Instituting the proper planning process before a sale has a material impact on the after-tax sales proceeds received and provides peace of mind for the owner.
As tax rates on the wealthy have begun to go up again, taxpayers have begun to take a second look at the few legitimate tax shelters still available, and this has renewed interest in investing through insurance dedicated funds (IDFs).This paper discusses two types of IDFs, Private Placement Variable Annuities (PPVA) and Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI). Gregory Curtis of Greycourt & Co., Inc., looks at:
Every day we use smartphones, tablets, computers and other digital devices to access, transfer and store information, conduct financial transactions and operate many other aspects of our lives. Your digital assets include all of the digital devices you own, all data stored in them and on external servers, and all of your online user accounts. Ensuring the proper management and orderly transfer of these assets after incapacity or death is an increasingly important aspect of estate planning.
Wealth management and tax planning, done right, require care and a thoughtful approach. Helping you be vigilant in these and all other aspects is the purpose of this guide, which walks you through the key concepts and approaches pertaining to tax planning, investing, charitable giving, estate and gift planning, business succession, family meetings, family offices, risk management, and cross-border considerations.
Whether a grantor is struggling with ensuring that a trust fulfills the intentions for which it was established or simply wants to sleep better at night knowing the trust assets will be managed and monitored effectively, the directed trust statute provides the flexibility and incentives needed to improve the long-term outcome.
Selecting one’s home state as the situs may be a convenient or easy answer. However, the ability to implement a trust that may last forever, eliminate additional transfer taxes after funding and avoid state income taxes may provide the financial incentive to stray from home, or at least to consider it.
In 2012, total charitable giving rose to $316 billion in the United States, driven by an $8 billion increase in gifts by individuals. This year, individual donations are likely to continue growing, spurred by tax changes, the improving economy and donor-friendly IRA rules. Here are five reasons why 2013 is a great year to give.