Under the IRS’s proposed new regulations, they would permanently and profoundly change estate planning for families that own a controlling interest in a privately held corporation, partnership, or limited liability company. The IRS has requested comments on the proposed regulations by November 2, 2016, and will hold a hearing on December 1, 2016. Even if the regulations are finalized in something close to their current form, portions of the regulations likely will be subject tochallenge on the grounds that they exceed the scope of the statute.
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It is an unfortunate fact of life that, as we age, our cognitive powers often decline. To assist people as they reach this stage in their lives, states provide a mechanism by which a person’s friends and family may petition a court to declare him or her incapacitated, and for the court to appoint a guardian to manage his or her affairs. While the guardianship process is meant to assist people in cognitive decline, it also exposes them to considerable risk. However, there are steps that you and your family can take to minimize those risks, including designating a preneed guardian.
As an employer, you may receive a notice from a health insurance Exchange that an employee has applied for coverage and is eligible for a premium assistance tax credit. These Exchange notices—and its relationship to the assessment of employer shared responsibility tax penalties under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”)—have generated both confusion and concern among employers.
A great deal of focus has been placed on the next generation of business leaders, beneficiaries, and philanthropists. Rarely discussed, however, is the next generation of trustees that will guide them through so many crucial life decisions. Serving as trustee is a natural extension of an estate planning role, and the next generation of trustees knows that in-depth knowledge of the nuts and bolts of estate planning is only one part of the foundation needed to be a truly trusted advisor to families.
Everything is more complicated for families with a loved one with a disability. From finding the right doctors, the right schools and obtaining necessary therapies and services. Nothing is easy. Developing an estate plan is also more complicated than it is for “typical” families.
A much anticipated and, perhaps, over-hyped news conference rolling out the Trump Administration’s tax reform plan generated very little “new news.” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Director Gary Cohn presented an outline of a plan that is very similar to the talking points the President promoted on the campaign trail. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit of information from the 23-minute briefing was a change in the Administration’s proposal for the treatment of itemized deductions for individual taxpayers.
When a loved one dies, there isn’t a checklist of tasks to complete to expedite the grieving process. When you have been named the Executor (or “Personal Representative”) of the estate, you have an administrative process to navigate in addition to the emotional one. Thankfully, in that role, there are a finite number of actions that are involved, and plenty of places to turn for guidance.
Every family has its own reasons for establishing a private family trust company (PFTC) which can be structured to suit the family’s needs and desired goals. When deciding whether to establish a PFTC, there are several important issues to consider. Taking an in-depth look at these considerations—including capital requirements, regulatory burdens and costs, family participation, long-term governance and succession, and trustee latitude—can help a family decide if it should create a PFTC and make it part of their long-term wealth planning.
For decades, Delaware has led as an innovative and flexible jurisdiction for establishing and administering personal trusts. There are five reasons to explore the First State as the premier location for your new or existing trust—even if you don’t reside in the state. Delaware is also a leader in providing “directed trusts,” which enable families to benefit from a trust without giving up control.
The legal qualifications for a trustee are simple: the person must be over the age of 18 and legally competent to manage his/her own affairs. The practical qualifications, however, are much more complicated. Most importantly, a trustee must have the skill set to properly administer the trust and meet the needs of the beneficiaries and must possess and exercise good judgment.