FOX’s annual estate planning webcast will lead participants through a thoughtful discussion of some of the most important topics and developments that were covered at the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning. Key legislative, regulatory, and case law updates impacting ultra-high net worth families and their family offices will be covered. By the end of this webcast, attendees will be able to: Describe the most important developments that will impact family offices and ultra-high net worth families in tax and estate planning in 2021
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Lawmakers have passed the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) to help in the ongoing fight against fraud, corruption, terrorism financing, and money laundering. The CTA contains significant new federal reporting obligations, and it may have an especially onerous impact on estate planning for those who accomplish their planning goals through the use of one or more business entities.
Once the private trust company’s (PTC) governance structure is designed, the foundational operations and administration elements will be central to bringing the PTC to life. Three key elements toward that end include reducing PTC complexity through documentation and recordkeeping; maintaining the PTC through communications and compliance; and preparing the PTC for long-term success through the delegation of duties.
A solid governance structure is critical to any private trust company’s long-term success. Through a thoughtful review that includes useful diagrams and outlines, learn the common elements of the PTC structure; the Board role and responsibilities; the Board attributes, composition, selection process, and succession planning; and additional considerations for selecting PTC committee members.
A private family trust company (PFTC) provides families with intergenerational governance over family assets and a private forum for decision-making. Without proper management, however, a PFTC can be exposed to costly litigation and the potential for significant liability. By developing and implementing policies that take into account the expertise and capacity of staff and external vendors, a PFTC can ensure it stays compliant and is able to safeguard the family’s assets well into the future.
A Dynasty Trust is often referred to as a family bank since it serves as a primary resource for the funding of the needs of a family's beneficiaries in successive generations. Given the unsteady economic times and tax uncertainty, there is no better time than now for wealthy families to establish a Dynasty Trust to achieve optimum results, including tax advantages, flexibility, and control.
The Board of Directors plays a pivotal role in the effective governance of any organization, including the private family trust company. Board members fulfill their roles and responsibilities, in part, by holding regular meetings that utilize a comprehensive agenda. One vital tool for an effective Board meeting is the meeting agenda. Here, ten suggestions are provided for developing and utilizing meeting agendas that will lead to more productive, efficient, and educational board meetings.
21st century wealth owners and their financial advisors often seek to design trusts that are flexible enough to withstand personal and financial changes yet manage the investment's outcome. Trusts serve the useful purpose of retaining control of funds pending certain events, after which funds may, can or must be transferred to or on behalf of the beneficiaries.