Looking down on planet Earth from space radically shifts one’s perception of our world and our place within it. After witnessing our planet’s thin, brilliant blue line of atmosphere against the stark blackness of space, astronauts return home to engage more deeply in solving our social and environmental challenges. Join us to learn about a new way of travelling to space that enables researchers to readily perform critical climate change science, artists to experience and communicate the transformative experience, and educators to inspire millions of students worldwide.
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When it comes to international travel, high-net-worth individuals and their families can be at a particular risk: They have the danger of kidnapping and extortion, threats to their physical safety, and a hit to finances. The challenges have also multiplied since COVID, presenting not only health risks to travelers but political instability unseen in many years. This new reality in travel points to understanding how to insure a lifestyle.
As a successful family, your unique lifestyle can create unique challenges while traveling around the world. The next time you travel, there are five key areas to consider that can help keep you, your family, and your belongings safe while you are away.