In today’s evolving U.S. and global tax environment, the tax implications of business decisions are not always intuitive. Integrating tax considerations throughout the decision-making process can help businesses unlock potential tax savings and efficiencies as well as identify and mitigate tax risks. Whether shifting supply chains, pursuing mergers and acquisitions, implementing sustainability initiatives, or adjusting workforce strategy—embracing a total tax mindset while modeling the tax impact of these decisions can lead to better outcomes that add value to your organization.
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If you’re considering a sale of a business, listen in on this 10-minute interview for some valuable potential tax-savings strategies. Attorneys Jason Kohout and Stephanie Derks also discuss income and estate tax planning opportunities, especially for business owners who are in a high income tax state.
In this special report, Northern Trust experts provide policy analysis for each potential United States election result—as well as steps that can be taken to prepare for all outcomes. Read the report for insights into planning for Divided Government, Unified Democratic, Unified Republican, and Delayed or Contested results. Along with having a goals-based framework approach for wealth planning, it allows investors and wealth advisors to evaluate tradeoffs and uncover new opportunities to take action with confidence in any environment.
For many business owners, their tax accountant has been with them for years, and therefore understands the business, along with some aspects of the industry, key employee roles, and family dynamics at play. In addition, a tax accountant who is viewed as a trusted advisor is in a key position to help a family-owned enterprise think through some of the most pertinent questions when it comes to succession planning.
Over the next 18 months, many of us will be extensively planning for two approaching deadlines: the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) reporting slated for December 31, 2024 and the sunsetting of bonus transfer tax exemptions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on December 31, 2025. Hear what family offices and UHNW families are thinking about as they prepare for both events while protecting client privacy, utilizing available exemptions, and maximizing future optionality.
Individuals with substantial business holdings often face complicated estate tax issues. Failing to recognize and plan for these issues may adversely impact the ability of the estate to timely pay any estate tax it owes. What is more, a lack of planning can affect the ability of the business to continue operating in the manner envisioned by the current and succeeding owners.
As tax strategy becomes more central than ever to business success, tax leaders must adopt new capabilities beyond those traditionally required to lead the tax function. Essential to this evolution is the ability to develop and execute a forward-looking tax roadmap that fully integrates emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI).
This article explains how Tax Advantaged Equity (TAE) portfolios are traded over time and illustrates how value is achieved over the course of the portfolio’s life. For a TAE portfolio with an objective to harvest available losses and minimize gains while managing risk, there will generally be a few major phases through the life of the portfolio, including loss maximization, loss harvesting and gain minimization, and maturity.
The most popular forms of equity-based compensation are stock options and restricted stock. It is not uncommon for these vehicles to compose a substantial portion of an executive’s net worth. Accordingly, it is important that executives fully understand the income tax treatment of options and restricted stock in order to maximize the after-tax value. This article by Grant Thornton presents the basic tax rules that apply to stock options and restricted stock, but also goes beyond the basics to discuss several more complex issues and tax planning considerations.
Tax season is an ideal time to think about your overall financial planning strategies and goals, including charitable giving. In this article, Schwab Charitable provides an overview of the current giving environment, as well as introduce you to five donors to understand their giving strategies in action – and help you consider what might work with your broader family philanthropy planning goals.