Family Philanthropy


The act of giving through family philanthropy can be a transformative experience for both family members and the communities they serve, sometimes with an impact that lasts generations. However, achieving a positive, enduring impact requires purposeful vision and decision making throughout the lifespan of the family's philanthropic work. With the deep experiences of philanthropic families and advisors showing the way forward, the roadmap to meaningful giving can be made easier and more effective.

Family Philanthropy


Curated Resources and Best Practices 

Family offices are often tasked with managing a family's philanthropy and charitable giving, but they have limited knowledge and resources. For members of the FOX community, the curated resources here are part of the Family Philanthropy Toolkit—which includes a brief overview and access link for each listed resource—that can be downloaded for future reference and further review with your family members and trusted advisors.  

Begin by discovering how donor-advised funds can help families realize their philanthropic visions. From there, explore the actionable insights and guidelines as you delve deeper into your philanthropic journey.

Donor-Advised Funds
Donor Intentions 
Family Engagement in Philanthropy
Family Foundations
Grantmaking Process 
Philanthropic Governance
Philanthropic Impact Measurement 
Philanthropic Investments  
Philanthropic Mission and Strategies
Philanthropic Administration 
Philanthropic Planning Tools and Templates
  • FOX Member Templates, which include sample philanthropic planning profile, family giving considerations worksheet, investment policy statement for a foundation, and other helpful tools and illustrations. 

For more expert insights and guidance on other topics of interest, explore the full collection of Resource Toolkits.

Solutions and Resource Toolkits