Staff recruitment, hiring and retention are challenging and diffi cult processes for any employer. When this task is assumed by a family, many of the standard issues raised are magnifi ed because of the family's limited experience in this job capacity. When you take on the role of employer, risk management changes in many ways. Despite the concerns that are raised, proper planning and preparation can mitigate or remove many of the potential pitfalls.
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Traditional forms of insurance often provide no protection to a non-profit organization in the event of a lawsuit by an employee, a member of the organization or a contractor. Directors and officers liability insurance can offer extended coverage, protecting the organization whenever it is called upon to defend itself or its personnel.
A limited liability company may seem like the best way to structure private aircraft ownership, organizing finances while shielding other assets from liability, but think again, says Gary Horowitz of Wiley Rein. Using an LLC can lead to a huge tax liability, potential fines by the Federal Aviation Administration and increased personal liability. The author offers alternative structuring that can be less costly and provide better liability coverage.
Life insurance policyholders are understandably concerned by the collapse of AIG and the ongoing crisis in the financial services industry, but insurance company analysts do not see an insolvency risk among other providers. Indeed, they express confidence in several safeguards designed to protect the interests of policyholders, says this new white paper from Nease, Lagana, Eden & Culley Inc.
Many officers of family offices serve on boards of directors for family-owned businesses or companies in which they have made equity investments. If these companies move into distressed status, litigation by investors and creditors may follow – and agents of family offices may appear to have the deepest pockets. This report from JD Ford & Company considers the role of these agents, noting potential land mines and offering suggestions for handling these situations successfully.
If you own property in an area affected by earthquakes, you are at risk for loss. But with proper planning and preparation, you can reduce your risk. In this paper, HUB International offers an earthquake safety checklist to help you avoid the pitfalls and minimize material and financial losses.
Anti-money laundering investigations have become complex, global efforts that may involve funding for terrorist networks. Navigant Consulting devotes an issue of its IQ quarterly publication to exploring AML compliance technology, the state of AML enforcement in the UK and the impact of money laundering inquiries on financial institutions. Navigant also reviews white-collar crime in 2007 and what to expect in 2008
Pre-nuptial agreements and marriage agreements are not binding under English law, leaving the details of divorce settlements largely in the hands of judges. But decisions rendered in the past five years show that judges are now taking pre-nups more seriously. This article from Withers shows how an appeals court has interpreted the importance of a pre-nup in a particular case.
This ScanSafe STAT security brief compares the Web-threat landscape in May 2007 – six months prior to the large scale compromises, with data from May 2008 – six months after the attacks began. The findings in this report demonstrate the tremendous impact ongoing cyber attacks are having on the safety and integrity of the Web.
Anti-money laundering investigations have become complex, global efforts that may involve funding for terrorist networks. Navigant Consulting devotes an issue of its IQ quarterly publication to exploring AML compliance technology, the state of AML enforcement in the UK and the impact of money laundering inquiries on financial institutions. Navigant also reviews white-collar crime in 2007 and what to expect in 2008