When you make more money than your friends, it can set up awkward and uncomfortable money dilemmas. However, there are ways to get around them by having a few good verbal comebacks and a dose of niceness to help you sidestep a lot of cringe-worthy money situations.
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Many families recognize the importance of preparing future family leaders for the responsibilities of wealth through education programs. It’s a process that needs to be cultivated over many years in a thoughtful and planned manner. However, far too often the next gen education programs fail to get off the ground or maintain momentum. Family members become disinterested, disengaged, or simply don’t attend. It can happen when families make five common mistakes in developing an education plan for their rising generation.
One of the most common concerns families have revolves around how to share wealth with family members without encouraging entitlement. With forethought and care, giving well and wisely can bring families together and strengthen the bonds between generations. The steps to giving wisely—and fostering flourishing over entitlement—include clarifying your intentions, understanding your recipients, communicating more rather than less, and letting go of what you cannot control.
While each family office has its own unique makeup and course to success, there are many recurring themes over the years which, when aggregated, form something of a roadmap which can be used to help guide other families on their own unique journeys—be they new to wealth or several generations deep. Against that backdrop, this eBook brings collective insights and experiences around family enterprise governance structures that will help families manage their family wealth across generations.
One of the greatest concerns among wealthy parents is that the family’s great fortune might inadvertently lead to misfortune for their children. Raising responsible children in affluence is a life-long task requiring patience and persistence. Like learning to read, financial literacy is a process that is best started in early childhood. Teachable moments, alongside practical ways to teach children about wealth, are the beginning of financially responsible parenting.
When wealth owners are asked what challenges them most, their first answer is frequently, “helping my children become productive adults.” Preparing children for both the opportunities and responsibilities that come with wealth is not easy, but those who have committed to family learning and educating the next generation will tell you that the return is well worth the investment.