The new year brings unique opportunities for families and their offices, but it can also create new obstacles to navigate. FOX has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and opportunity for families of wealth, their family offices, and their professional advisors.
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The new year brings unique opportunities for families and their offices, but it can also create new obstacles to navigate. FOX has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and opportunity for families of wealth, their family offices, and their professional advisors. We call them the “3Ts” – transitions, talent, and technology.
As we approach the two-year mark since the COVID-19 virus first hit and start to envision a “new normal,” Family Office Exchange (FOX) has identified three dominant themes that will drive disruption and opportunity for families of wealth, their family offices, and their professional advisors. We call them the "3Ts” – transitions, talent, and technology.
It's not news to family office hiring managers that prepandemic employment challenges have only become more intense. COVID-19 just fanned an existing flame of empowerment and flexibility demands. Salary is no longer a potential hire’s biggest concern. When the postpandemic conversation becomes less about where work is done and more about how (and how well), thoughtful programs focused on health and wellness will become table stakes. If your organization doesn’t have a competitive total-compensation philosophy, be prepared to lose in today’s fierce talent war.
There are few issues in family business that create more conflict and tension than the employment of family members. The complexities involved and the breakdowns in communication and trust can contribute significantly to the alarmingly high rate of failed intergenerational transitions in family business. The good news is that there is a way for families to better position themselves to overcome those challenges by looking at the 10 most common mistakes family members make when it comes to hiring (and firing) for their business.
While many individuals may have the skills and experience for a private staffing position, it’s the chemistry and having a system in place that makes it work for all parties. With this guide that includes job descriptions and requirements, discover the actionable insights and best practices for optimizing your private staff throughout the hiring process lifecycle. Learn how to prepare to hire, search for the right employee, evaluate candidates, conduct background checks, and much more.