Rebuilding Economies


What will it take to rebuild our global economies? And how will we generate the stimulus needed for growth? We’ll discuss the macro-economic factors shaping the challenges ahead – including the current geopolitical environment and major disruptions changing industry opportunities. And with the U.S. presidential election a week away, we’ll engage in a timely discussion about America’s place in the world and how its economic bedrock of stability may slip in the decade ahead.

Insights and Key Takeaways

FOX hosts a panel on “Rebuilding Economies,” and invites Ivo Daadler, President of Chicago Council on Global Affairs and John Dionne, Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School and Senior Advisor at The Blackstone Group, to walk us through their most current thinking and predictions.

Daadler attempts to share what the geopolitical future looks like and addresses three important “known- unknowns” – e.g. these are things we know are going to be big issues, but we just don’t know how they’re going to play out.

  1. The U.S. relationship with China
  2. What is going to happen in the developing world now and in the developing future post Covid?
  3. The U.S. role in the world.

Click for more insights from
this session in the FOX Blog.
