Today’s families of wealth are increasingly focused on aligning their dollars with their values. The question often is, “Why not deploy our capital to achieve financial return and social/environmental good?” Some view this as abandoning traditional investing. In truth, it’s an evolution of ideals that always have been part of many families’ investment decision-making. Hearing directly from FOX family members engaging in impact investing, key insights and trends are uncovered.
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As disruption in the wealth management industry accelerates, the industry is struggling to keep pace. While Family Offices may not feel the full pressure of this disruption today, it is indeed on its way. How exactly the future plays out is still anyone’s guess. What is certain is that the Family Office business model and value proposition will evolve, including the wealth manager’s role expanding to include building strong partner ecosystem to best meet the needs of family clients.
Sophisticated families are looking for new ways to positively affect their communities and the world. Learn the innovative approaches of six families achieving lasting impact in our world.
The perennial question facing financially successful families is how to preserve the family and its well-being beyond the first generation. It isn’t the size of wealth that determines the family’s ability to build successful Enterprise Family—it’s realizing you have something worth preserving and setting a goal to maintain the family’s financial, social, and human capital for generations to come. Like all worthwhile journeys, it helps to start with a roadmap to ensure your family’s long-term success.
As families of wealth and their Family Offices consider future success strategies, how ready are they to adapt? To help families prepare for the various stages of changes in the family journey, Dr. Jim Grubman shares the approach he uses—including the application of the Readiness Ruler—in this Q&A with FOX.
As families and Family Offices look to increase future generations’ positive impact, high among their common goals, and common struggles, are delivering education and increasing engagement. Based on FOX’s thirty years of working with families, Family Offices, and Enterprise Families; conducting research; and engaging in consulting projects, FOX has found that the most engaged families implement six key best practices to prepare the future generations. Once these family learning practices are in place, a family will be more successful launching education and engagement initiatives.
FOX Foresight keeps you up to date on our latest thinking about matters affecting Enterprise Families. It gives you our forward look on what we're learning from our members and subject matter experts. Please share it broadly with your family, your office, and your advisors. 2020 FOX Foresight is presented in 7 chapters:
In this 2019 Foresight article, we explore how family enterprises face an increasingly uncertain and risky world owing to developments in the economy, geopolitics, financial markets, technology, and industry competition. We review a wide range of general and specific strategies to mitigate systemic risks.
The family enterprise provides a strategic framework for families to stay together and accomplish the shared goals of growing wealth and managing risks through the generations. Within the enterprise, the Private Trust Company (the PTC) provides a beneficial mechanism to support the enterprise and the family’s growth and development. In addition to managing trustee duties, a PTC can institutionalize the family ownership and governance functions and may invest in the development of capable trustees and knowledgeable beneficiaries.
In this 2019 edition of FOX Foresight, we review how business owners need to shift shift to an enterprise mindset, and how family offices seek to redefine their role, and as a new generation of family members prepares for leadership in a time of great transformation. FOX Foresight is presented in 7 chapters: