Wealth as Well-Being: Fireside Chat with Jay Hughes


Over the past 30 years, families have worked hard and invested enormous resources to create the plans and structures that promise to carry the family into the future and ensure its long-term success. The vast majority of these investments have focused on the quantitative disciplines that serve the family’s financial capital – the collective disciplines that today we call “wealth management”. As the future generation steps into the picture, the key question is: “Will the family live and flourish in the plan?” The answer, according to Jay Hughes, depends entirely on whether and how well the family invests in and nurtures its qualitative capitals: spiritual, social, intellectual, and most importantly, human. A conversation with Jay Hughes about the state of well-being of families and their enterprises.

James (Jay) E. Hughes Jr., Author of Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family, and of Family - The Compact Among Generations
Peter Moustakerski, CEO, FOX
