The Taxable Investor’s Manifesto: Insights into a Quiet Revolution


When designing investment strategy, most academics and some investment advisors consider taxes an afterthought. Author Stuart Lucas will show you how to extract value at the intersections of investing, estate planning, and tax – a skill set that may grow considerably more valuable after the November election. Stuart will demonstrate an approach to maximize profits from the money you earn, the investments you make, and the taxes you pay. Following his guidance, what you consider a good investment of time and dollars will change and your portfolio could grow considerably.

Insights and Key Takeaways

Taxable investors need to think differently. Here Stuart Lucas, Co-Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer at Wealth Strategist Partners, tells us why, and also how to extract value at the intersection of investing, estate planning and tax.

So what makes a good investment? Lucas gives us four elements:

  • An asymmetric risk profile
  • High potential magnitude
  • Favorable probability of success
  • Reasonable profit retention

Click for more insights from
this session in the FOX Blog.
