Private Equity: Key Considerations and Business Models


A growing number of enterprising families in the US are showing an increased interest in participating in direct investments of all sizes.  A segment of this interest is sparked by entrepreneurial family values, and the disappointing correlations between asset classes that occurred during the 2008-2010 timeframe. 

Utilizing research conducted by FOX for the past 5 years on the growing interest in direct private equity, Sara Hamilton will guide participants on the eight typical models families use, and the 15 key considerations that families need to discuss together.  She will highlight results of in-depth interviews with 160 family offices and/or wealth owners who focus on this asset class and share examples where relevant.

Participants will be provided with a whitepaper that outlines the models and key considerations that lead families to choose one PE model over another and the important characteristics of: Philosophical Framework, Asset Allocation and Diversification Strategies, Governance Principles and Decision Making Authority, and Principles of Partnerships.

FOX Event Replay