From Jedi to Yoda - Preparing for Leadership Succession


Greater levels of uncertainty are facing families around the world. Which makes the topic of leadership success more critical to thoughtfully plan and execute against. We’ll discuss five critical themes related to succession with author Ivan Lansberg, who will share how important transitions can be smoothly managed. Don’t leave your important family transitions to chance.

Insights and Key Takeaways

Preparing for leadership succession may be the single most important planning element for a family and family office. Ivan Lansberg, Co-Founder and Senior Partner, Lansberg-Gersick & Associates, describes the two different sides of the coin, so to speak, that define succession:

  • The challenge of letting go, from the perspective of the current leader; and
  • The challenge of taking charge, from the perspective of the successor.

First he explores the challenges facing the current leader in the process of letting go. These transitions are hard enough in a normal environment, but right now there is so much disruption at one time, it makes most of us more cautious about the future. Lansberg asserts that families who have done their homework before the crisis, and put in place the governance that articulates their values, vision and purpose, they are able to respond in a much more effective way to the crises.

Click for more insights from
this session in the FOX Blog.
