The Future of Wealth Management Technology


In this keynote session, a tenured wealth management chief technology officer addressed the widening gap between ultra-wealthy clients’ expectations and the actual value delivered. We discussed how firms successfully innovate and work differently to adapt to evolving client needs and will provide insights from our family office membership. Additionally, we explored the complex wealth advisor ecosystem and why finding the right partnership can be a game changer.

Insights and Key Takeaways

The Covid-19 pandemic has undeniably impacted client service across the globe. As various trends emerge from this new normal, one issue wealth management firms must address is technology. How are the most successful firms approaching technology and innovation? And is my firm on the right track?

The pandemic proved the necessity of serving clients digitally. In the last three months we have seen a decade’s worth of technology come to life. The flip to digitization within the wealth management industry happened quickly. Firms who are laser focused on innovation and technology report a smoother journey through the pandemic and increasingly satisfied clients.

FOX Event Replay