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One Thousand & One Voices™ is a movement of influential families investing Relational Capital, Intellectual Capital and Patient Financial Capital — or Three-Dimensional Capital™ — to profitably accelerate prosperity in rising markets.
Members of the HC Smith Family will describe the leadership development program that they conducted for 4th generation future family leaders. The program, led by Dr. Crace, explores the promises and pitfalls of values-based living and leadership for individuals as well as multi-generational families from both a personal and family perspective. While research links values to flourishing, they can also unintentionally get in the way of our productivity, fulfillment and resilience.
FOX and FDX Capital are pleased to profile current investment strategies of importance to our members, and will ask some investors to provide updates on their activities over the past year. We will also present new sources of deal flow for your consideration, as the dynamics of the private equity industry are changing rapidly. On the research side, a panel of technical experts from GE Capital will identify industries where demographics and disruptive technologies are changing opportunities for investors.
Please join FOX senior managers Jane Flanagan and Mariann Mihailidis to learn about the key findings from the 2014 FOX Benchmarking Study with highlights from the following best practice areas: Oversight and Governance, Complexity and Cost, Wealth Sustainability, Owner Engagement and Education, Client and Staff Satisfaction. FOX has conducted a peer-based survey to explore the total cost of wealth management and industry compensation and benefits data for most family office positions.
Effective governance empowers leaders of wealthy families and/or families in business to make the most of the unique strength of a family enterprise: the synergy between a strong, unified business owning family and a well-run family enterprise or family office.
Families continue to seek a better way of communicating performance results so that end users can gain a thorough understanding of the impact of strategic asset allocation, rebalancing, tactical shifts, and individual manager results and other performance measures. Critical to the success of such reporting is starting the performance discussion at the overall relationship level, and as such, Tania and Doug will share the seven essential elements or questions the investor needs to ask and have answered.
One of the most difficult things for family leaders to convey to younger owners is the relevance and complexity of family governance. Using our recently completed Family Learning Module, Charlie Grace will provide an overview on governance concepts, and he will show you how to highlight the most important concepts to make the decision-making process a priority for family member. In addition, we will have a family member who has faced this challenge explain what they have learned about the process, and how to avoid the pitfalls of family members who lose interest in the process.