Team-based Selling: How to Win More Business by Selling Together Effectively


Gone are the days of meeting a client for lunch, chatting about your offering, and closing the sale over dessert. Clients today look different from those of the past. They make networked purchasing decisions by committee, with diverse roles, interests, and backgrounds. With access to more information and a greater ability to share it, they demand value, access, and alignment from their counterparts. Sales is now a team sport, and to win you must build and manage selling squads that work in complete alignment – not just during client meetings, but before and after, as well. In this session, author Michael Dalis will guide us through the process of creating and managing selling squads that execute and win in every sales meeting or pitch. He’ll offer a groundbreaking guide that will provide everything needed to create and organize selling squads that not only win, but win more frequently.
